Prototype development

Digital product development and consulting

We’re the leading server-side data integration specialists. MetaRouter is built for performance, compliance, and control. We’re the leading server-side data integration specialists. MetaRouter is built for performance, compliance, and control.


What we do



Our core competences are the development of web applications, API's and voice controlled systems.



We support you in every phase of your project and work together on exciting challenges.


Requirements Engineering

Together we work out the requirements for your new product. These can be tested in prototypes.

What we work with

Libraries and frameworks are constantly changing and being evaluated. Our current "core stack" for development includes the technologies listed.




What we work on

We are currently working on exciting projects in completely different areas.

Alexa Skill

An Alexa Skill for display and non-display devices is being developed to listen to audio plays in certain categories. The provided content is automatically checked and faulty audio plays are displayed in a web interface.

Course leader

In order to improve communication and cooperation between course leaders and institutions, a web application is being developed with which institutions can organize their own course leaders and give course leaders the opportunity to book their own appointments. Invoices will be created automatically for the self-employed course leaders.

Color inheritance

To simplify the calculation with gene formulas and inheritance, we develop a calculator that uses the gene formulas to calculate the expected falling colors. Both the phenotype (what does the animal look like) and the genotype are calculated. The calculator is provided within a web application.

Topics we deal with

Every day we work with many tools that make our lives easier. We often deal with new technologies. We would like to share a few experiences.

How we work

New homepage

We have redeveloped our website from scratch. Besides a new design, we also decided to maintain the data in a headless CMS.

Hüttenweg 43b
53797 Lohmar
+49 2241 3962577
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